Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Work Update!

Ok troops, good news and some bad news on the work front. Bad news first (because it's not really that bad); I'm going to have to give up my corner office because they're remodeling it into a storage room, boo. But I'll still get an office somewhere, it just won't be as big. Actually, it won't be that bad of a thing considering I had way more room than I knew what to do with.

Now for good news. I L-O-V-E this job. Seriously. I do. The free champagne at the Russian consulate was just the beginning. I really shouldn't have complained about the bitch work that was (is?) my report on the crazy radical party because... I get to have an interview with them! Me, a 2nd-week intern interviewing a major force in Catalan politics. I'm also invited to a really swanky concert at this gorgeous place (Palau de la Musica Catalana). I went when I was in Barca last summer, but all we saw was the outside and the lobby, and even that was amazing!

Really, the only thing that will make this job any better would be if I got to meet someone like Nancy Pelosi (which the previous intern got to do). I already have a pretty sweet schedule with Friday afternoons off. I get paid pretty well. This job is SWEET!

Now if I only could meet some peeps to brag to/be friends with....

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